Copyright © WW Stephenson Co Inc. All rights reserved.

​       WW Stephenson Company, Inc. was founded in 1977 as a general engineering and general building contractor focused on serving the Southern California harbor area. Our projects range in size up to $15 million and are split between the public and private sectors. Each project is closely supervised by well-qualified project managers and staffed with experienced foreman, journeymen, and craftspeople. We have developed a strong network of subcontractors to fully support our construction activities and projects. 

Our objective is to clearly understand each customer's operation and how our projects relate to that operation. We strive to minimize any inconvenience to our customers during the construction process while providing quality work and maintaining customer satisfaction.  All WW Stephenson employees hold TWIC cards, as do the majority of our subcontractors and suppliers. We employ union carpenters, laborers and cement masons and are a member of the Association of General Contractors.

Phone: 562-595-6356

Fax: 562-426-5944

Address: 1305 E  Burnett Street, Signal Hill CA 90755

​License Number 382758

 About Us